Feb 19, 2013

Murray's River Matters - Fined $3367 plus court costs

A Meningie man has been convicted and fined for taking 143 undersized Mulloway in the Coorong area.

A Meningie man (for name of man click here) was fined $3367 plus court costs, and required to forfeit 370kg of fish – including almost 20kg of undersize Mulloway – and nine mullet nets.

The bulk of the 143 undersize Mulloway seized ranged between 21cm to 28 cm, well below the minimum size limit of 46cm inside the Coorong. Outside the Coorong in coastal waters a 75cm minimum size limit applies.

The 54 year-old was detected by Fisheries Officers in November last year and appeared in the Murray Bridge Magistrates’ Court last week, pleading guilty to the possession of undersized fish.

Fisheries and Aquaculture Senior Fisheries Officer, Dave Grant, said he was disappointed the man – who had 25 years previous experience in the commercial fishing industry – had ignored the minimum size limit for Mulloway.

“It is unacceptable behaviour by a person who had been involved in the commercial fishing industry for such a long time, and his conviction sends a strong message to people that wish to ignore the legislation,” Mr Grant said.

“The real issue was that he was taking clearly undersize fish which could have a significant impact on the breeding stock for future generations,” Mr Grant said.

Suspicious or illegal fishing activity can be reported through the 24 hour FISHWATCH number on 1800 065 522. Callers can choose to remain anonymous.

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