Feb 19, 2013

The VIC Recreational Fishing Guides 2013 Download

The 2013 Victorian Recreational Fishing Guide is now available at tackle shops across the state and includes important information about size and bag limits, permitted equipment and closed seasons.
Agriculture and Food Security Minister Peter Walsh said the guide was an important reference tool that included colour illustrations of commonly caught fish, so fishers could identify their catch, and the rules that apply.
The 2013 fishing guide outlines rules that currently apply as well as any new rules introduced since last year’s guide, including:
  • A daily bag limit for yabbies of 30 litres of whole yabby or 200 whole yabbies (whichever is the lesser), and a requirement to release all yabbies carrying eggs;
  • he permitted use of open top lift nets to collect yabbies;
  • An increase in the minimum legal length for dusky flathead from 27 to 30 centimetres and the introduction of a maximum legal length of 55 centimetres; and
  • Seasonal dates for the recreational catch of abalone from central Victorian marine waters.
Mr Walsh said the guide had been funded by the sale of Victorian recreational fishing licences.
“There are a number of other free products funded by fishing licence fees including plastic measures for abalone, rock lobster and spiny freshwater crayfish; fish length ruler stickers; and abalone pocket cards,” Mr Walsh said.
“We have also clarified the definition of ‘possession limits’ for priority species such as southern bluefin tuna and Murray cod.
“These changes have also been reflected in the Recreational Fishing smartphone application, available to download for free to any iPhone or Android users.
“The app now features a new GPS based function which helps anglers avoid fishing in Marine Parks by alerting them when they become close.”
The 2013 Victorian Recreational Fishing Guide is available free from 900 recreational fishing licence sellers throughout Victoria.

Download The 2013 Victorian Recreational Fishing Guide HERE

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