Sep 8, 2019

Pfizer SteriSafe Sodium Chloride Irrigation Solution 30mL each

Pfizer SteriSafe Sodium Chloride Irrigation Solution 30mL each

For irrigation only.  Not for Injection.

Pfizer Sodium chloride Irrigation Solution 0.9% is a clear, colourless solution contained in plastic Steritube

Each ampoule contains Sodium Chloride 270mg and water for injections to 30ml.


Physical state: Liquid
Appearance: Aqueous solution
Color: Colorless. Clear
Quantity per Box: 30 x 30ml Steritube Ampoules
Manufacturer: Pfizer
Brand: Steritube
Easy to Use:

Sterile solution used to clean wounds and flush away tissue debris and blood during surgical procedures. It can also be used for soaking surgical dressings & instruments. 

Sodium Chloride for Irrigation is used during surgical procedures to irrigate body cavities, wounds, or indwelling urethral catheters (which is used to drain bladder and has been designed to be left in place for a prolonged period of time).

It is also used for rinsing or soaking surgical dressings that are in contact with wounds.

It can also be used for diluting medications prior to use e.g. certain inhalation solutions prior to nebulisation.

Expiry date: April 2021

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