May 1, 2015

Sea Lion Hates His Tax Accountant and tried to Eat Him

Accountant almost killed by fish-thieving sea lion

One moment the US fishing enthusiast was posing triumphantly with his prized catch — the next, a hungry sea lion was dragging him underwater to what he feared would be his certain death.

Dan Carlin had reeled in a number of yellowtails from his nine-metre boat in waters off San Diego, California, when his wife Trish asked him to smile for a photo.

The 62-year-old accountant grinned and held up one of the fish when a sea lion sprang two metres from the water and latched onto his hand in an effort to snatch the tasty treat.

His wife's incredible photo captures the moment the predator bit into Mr Carlin's hand, just before it dragged him six metres underwater.

"After 15 seconds, I thought I was going to die," Mr Carlin said of the April 5 attack.

"I continued to struggle, but thought this is the way I was going to die. It was unbelievable to me."

Then, as quickly as the attack had occurred, the mammal released Mr Carlin from his grip.
The ordeal was not over for the fishing enthusiast, though, as he then suffered a second bite from the sea lion that punctured a bone in his foot.

Mr Carlin took three weeks to recover from the incident that left him with a cut to his hand that required 20 stitches.

Despite the harrowing experience, he hopes to be back fishing again next week.

And he warns that sea lions are not the cute and harmless creatures many people believe them to be.

"So many times, you see videos of cute seals, sea lions, but I'm sharing what happened to me because I want parents to realise these are wild aggressive animals that can take you down," he said.

"They should be given a wide berth. At least a small child should do that, but also just about anybody should."


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