May 1, 2015

Gomoku Storm Koika Jig 150g Metal Jig Lures

Gomoku Storm Koika Jig 150g

The Storm Gomoku Koika is the latest addition to the Storm Gomoku family of jigs. Koika (コイカ ) is the Japanese word for cuttlefish, a common prey of many predatory fish. Specially designed for slow-pitch style jigging, Koika’s centre-balanced, broad profile allows the jig to flutter enticingly on the fall. Additionally, Koika’s dense and compact body enables it to easily travel through the depths, allowing you to quickly reach deeper water to where the fishes are holding. Give it some slack line on the drop and Koika will flutter and rock as it falls.

What Is Slow Pitch Jigging?
Slow pitch jigging is a great technique to complement high-speed jigging. High-speed jigging is very effective for pelagic species but on the flipside, can be physically very challenging especially when working heavy jigs. While high-speed jigging triggers the aggressive nature of predators to give chase to the prey, slow-pitch jigging triggers the opportunistic feeding nature of predators.

Slow pitch jigging is a very relaxed method of jigging which mostly involves letting the jig free-fall attractively, instead of working the jig to mimic a fleeing bait. Predators are opportunistic feeders and a crippled prey is a much easier meal than a lively one. Crippled or distressed prey often make irregular movements, darting about and suddenly pausing before slowly sinking in the water. Slow pitch jigs are designed to simulate this movement, darting and flashing erratically with each lift of the rod tip before falling with an attractive horizontal flutter on the pause. It is this abrupt falling movement that somehow triggers the natural instinct of a nearby predator to grab a quick meal. It is true in the case of slow-pitch jigging, that strikes often occur when the jig is free falling.

Since slow-pitch jigging doesn’t require aggressive jigging motions, it is not necessary to use heavy tackle to work heavier jigs, making it physically less tiring for the angler. However, appropriate slow-pitch jigging tackle is recommended to ensure the best action is obtained from the falling jig. For medium to heavy slow pitch jigging, an overhead setup is recommended as sensitivity, line control and gear engagement/disengagement is much easier.

In the case of micro slow pitch jigging (jigging with 20g slow-fall jigs, or lighter), a spinning reel may be more appropriate as line flow is relatively less obstructed, allowing the lighter jig to drop more freely as compared to an overhead reel or baitcaster. That said, baitcasters with light spools can be used too as less inertia is needed to rotate the spool.

Drop the jig all the way to the bottom. Once the jig reaches the seafloor, you are free to explore different ways to work the jig. Here are some basic techniques to get you started:

1 Full Pitch
Keep the rod at a horizontal position. Wind in the slack until you feel the tension at the other end. Make one full turn of the reel handle. The rod tip should load slightly under the weight of the jig as it travels upward. This motion is what we call a ‘pitch’. Pause, then repeat the motion. This is the basic technique of slow-pitch jigging. Repeat this motion within the specific depth the fish are likely to be hunting then drop the jig back to the seafloor again. Very often, the strike will occur on the hang (pause), when the jig is in a horizontal position about to fall or when the jig is falling.

Slow Pitch Jigging Koika hookup

1/2 and 1/4 Pitch
This is a variation of the 1 full pitch. Instead of one full turn of the handle, make half a turn (1/2) or a quarter of a turn (1/4). Pause, then repeat this motion. This will result in a shorter pitch and movement of the jig upwards.

Pitch & Jerk
All the above mentioned movements are made keeping the rod in a horizontal position and letting the rod tip do all the work. Another method is to drop the rod tip very slightly then lifting the tip back to the horizontal position (moving the rod tip by about 30-40cm), followed by a pitch (full, half or otherwise). Pause, then repeat this motion. This gives the jig a longer range of movement.

Storm Gomoku Koika Grouper

There are many ways to work the Storm Koika jig and it’s really all about experimenting which style is most effective for a specific targeted species at a given location. Whichever the technique, there are just two fundamental points to keep in mind:

Reaction bite
The abrupt falling action of slow-fall jigs trigger reaction bites, either out of aggression or curiosity.

Strike zone
The longer the jig stays within the strike zone, the more likely it is to get hammered.

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