A British pub landlord claims he has reeled in one of the biggest fish ever caught using just a rod and a line.
Globe-trotting angler Kevin Gardner caught the 599kg marlin during a 10-day trip to Ascension Island, roughly halfway between Africa and South America in the Atlantic Ocean.He said it took an exhausting three hours in 30C heat to reel in the "monster" and he was left with burns and blisters after the battle.
"After about two hours I wished I had never hooked it," he told the Norfolk Eastern Daily Press.
"I was completely burned by the sun, I was suffering dehydration, I had blisters on my hands from all the reeling, my back ached and my feet were burned to a crisp.
"It really was hard work."
It was the end of a 25-year mission for Mr Gardner, who had vowed to catch a giant blue marlin after a fishing trip to Australia's Great Barrier Reef in 1988.
The largest Atlantic blue marlin ever caught reportedly weighed 636kg and was caught off the coast of Brazil in 1992.
Source: Norfolk Eastern Daily Press, BBC News
Author: Alexandra Pleffer, Approving editor: Mark Worley
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