Feb 28, 2013

Atomic Premium Lures Catalogue 2012 Download

For a copy of Atomic Premium Lures Catalogue
Download Here

Fishing with soft lures or hard bodies (Ripperz, Guzzlerz or Hardz) requires a
completely different approach and way of thinking to the way you fished in the
past. In fact so different are the techniques and methods used that you can
pretty well forget everything you ever learnt about fishing with other styles of
lures as little of it applies to fishing with lures.

Not only will you learn to fish differently, you will start to ‘think’ differently
about your own fishing. You will become more of a ‘hunter’ of fish rather than
a ‘passive’ catcher of fish. Through the process of fishing with lures you will
become a much better fisherman, and find your fishing a lot more exciting,
challenging, and rewarding, and as a bonus you will catch a lot more fish than
you ever did before.

This year sees Atomic’s Hard Bodied lures (Hardz) expand even more with rapid
success and many top placing in tournaments, including mine and many other spots
filled in the ABT Grand Final because of these lures.

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