Feb 11, 2011

Berkley Bio-Dip

(Buy it at www.amazonoutdoors.com.au)

Berkley Bio-Dip

To spice up worn or faded baits, anglers turn to a messy solution that loses color after a few casts. Berkley is introducing Bio-Dip, a new water-based coloring agent that, once applied, clings to Gulp!, Gulp! Alive! or live bait.

The non-scented Bio-Dip changes the bait's color, giving fish the different look they’ve been waiting for.

“Fish get tired of seeing the same old colors,” said Bassmaster Elite Series pro Bobby Lane. “I like to sink some of my bed-fishing baits in the chartreuse Bio-Dip for a little flash. I’ve also had success using it on saltwater fishing trips by mixing colors for a different combination.”

For best results, pat the bait dry and dip into the dye for instant color change, creating fire tails or colored heads. You can also get creative with a paintbrush to customize your bait with sharp accents.

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